This is what touring is like: Get up at 3am, take a quick shower, drive an hour and a half to the airport. Board an airplane, fly two legs to a new city, pick up a rental car, and drive another hour an a half to the hote. If possible, get in a quick nap, then drive to the venue to do a teaser. After dinner, do the show, then crawl back to the hotel room and try to get a few hours sleep. Lather, rinse, repeat.
The great thing about touring is that, paradoxically, it’s actually pretty relaxing. You have only two missions in life: get to shows, and do shows. Everything else is allowed to fall away, which is nice, because everything else *has* to fall away. The bad thing is the obvious: I always end up about a month and a half behind schedule with all that I want to accomplish.
Anyhow, as the title suggests, I’m back, and I will be posting regularly again. I met some interesting people on the road who gave me some good ideas for blog posts. I thought a lot about the topics of body language and reading people and have some fresh posts already in progress.
As always, if you have any ideas or questions, please send them my way.

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