I get to a lot of office Christmas parties. Of course I’m there as an entertainer, so I always have to be using my best body language. But since I don’t know anybody or have any particular allegiances, I also get to ply my favorite hobby: watching people.
It always amazes me how many employees don’t know that they’re being watched, and judged, by their bosses during the holiday party. I see people getting drunk and acting obnoxious or belligerent, and then I see the sudden micro-expression flash of disgust on the boss’s face as he seems to be smiling and laughing with them, and I think, “they’re going to pay for that extra martini somewhere down the road.”
If you’re going to be attending a holiday party this year, check out this article. The advice it gives really applies to any situation in which you’re on display and being evaluated. And given the state of our economy, perhaps it would be best if we assumed that means always.

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